Welcome to Richmond Roast House Mobile Meals
We are happy to have you on board and look forward to providing you with yummy, fresh dinners.
Below is some information on how we work.
1. DELIVERY: Meals are delivered between 9.00am and 1pm. What time we get to your house will depend on where you live and if the unfortunate happens sickness or a accident we could have delay. Your delivery time should be about the same each day. If for any reason no meal has arrived by 3.00pm on a day that you were expecting one, please call us!
2. HEATING: Your meal will arrive and require reheating at your leisure.
For OVEN heating we recommend you preheat the oven to 180 Celsius, remove glad wrap and cover with tin foil, place in oven for at least 15 minutes.
For MICROWAVE heating we recommend at least 3-5 minutes on MEDIUM. Check and if not hot enough continue heating at 1 minute intervals until hot enough. Not all microwaves are the same. I would recommend NOT to heat on HIGH as this tends to overheat and burn the food, slower and gentle is
3. PLATES: Your driver will pick up your empty plate the next time they call with a meal. Can you please have this reasonably clean and ready when your driver arrives. If for any reason, you no longer require meals please let us know so a driver can call and pick up your last plate. Our plates are marked on the underside.
4. PAYMENT: You will receive a Mobile Meals specialty calendar each month which your meals and payments will be recorded on. This can be kept as a form of statement. Please keep this calendar handy so your driver can keep accurate records for you. Accounts are payable on Fridays or on the last day of the week that you get a meal. You can pay for your meals either by cash, eftpos or internet banking. We can send a invoice to you or family member as well but whatever works easiest for you. Our account number is 060-705-0394484-00
5. AWAY FROM HOME: If for any reason, you are going to be away from home at time of delivery, alternative options are available.
6. ORDERING: You can pre order your dinners and have a standing order for set days (this makes things easier for us) or you can just ring us if you want one. If you order to late, we cannot guarantee the meal you want is available but we will do our best. Due to logistics and many suppliers out of stock or low on stock we would prefer to get orders either a week early or better a monthly preorder, this able’s us to adjust when stock is not available in advance
7. ANSWER MACHINE /EMAIL: garry@richmondroasthouse.co.nz
If you call us and there is no answer please leave a message when the answer machine tells you. If you are simply ringing to order a meal just leave your name, address what you would like and the day you would like it delivered. We won’t call you back but your meal will arrive when you have ordered it for. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you but we could be out delivering or picking up groceries. Once again, if you don’t receive a meal on the day you were expecting it by 3.00pm please call us, or email your order in to the above address.
8. WEEKENDS: We do not deliver Saturday or Sunday. If you require meals for these days, we can provide them on Friday.
9. PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: We do not deliver on public holidays, however we can provide a meal prior in a takeaway container that you can freeze to use on this day. Please advise your driver in advance, if you require this service.
10. We will endeavour to provide you with the meal you have chosen, however if for any reason this cannot be done we will provide you with an alternative that we know you will enjoy.
11. As you can imagine our drivers are very busy and have a lot of people to deliver meals to, especially on Fridays, to make it easier for your driver, could you please have your order and method of payment ready.
12. If there is anything about our service or meals that you are not happy with please let us know. Your feedback is very important to us and we want for your experience with us to be SIMPLY THE BEST.
The Team just wants for everyone to be HAPPY!
Final note we only use New Zealand meat we support NZ farmers 100% completely, and NZ grown vegetables almost 100% too.
Welcome aboard
Garry Higgins
Mobile: 0275447577
Phone: (03) 5440600
Email: garry@richmondroasthouse.co.nz